
With your support, toddlers are developing their ability to understand and work with numbers

A child placing an image with five corners

At A Glance

Numeracy skills are the foundation of all areas of math. Toddlers use their numeracy skills all the time. For example, they count strawberries at snack time or notice when they have fewer toys than a friend. We can support children’s development of numeracy skills by counting objects, talking about numbers, and comparing quantities.


What It Looks Like

A quick glance at ways you can help toddlers develop numeracy skills

Use Number Language

Connect number words to the quantities they represent. Say each number aloud while counting and point to objects in a group like this educator does.

Model One-to-One Correspondence

Encourage and model counting objects. Notice how this educator touches each train as she counts aloud.

Support Subitizing

Model subitizing by identifying how many there are without counting. Note how this educator says, “You have two now in the box,” without counting.


Ten Black Dots

Written and illustrated by Donald Crews, this book invites you to count along as dots appear and are arranged in new and creative ways.
Book cover for Ten Black Dots
Interior image from Anno's Counting Book


Anno's Counting Book

Written and illustrated by Mitsumasa Anno, this book shows colorful illustrations of a growing town with many people and activities to see and count as the year goes by.

Activity Cards for Toddler Classrooms

Part of the STREAMin3 curriculum, these activity cards provide simple and fun ways to support children's numeracy skills
Activity Card icon for Musical Math Chairs
Play & Count

Musical Math Chairs

Turn a traditional musical chairs game into math fun as children practice one-to-one correspondence.

Sing & Count

Number Songs

Act out motions and use your fingers to represent numbers while singing songs.

Activity Card icon for Snack Math
Eat & Count

Snack Math

Count and compare the amounts of food items as children enjoy their snack.

Activity Card icon for Time to Count
Learn & count

Time to Count!

Make counting exciting! Count out loud and label numbers throughout all parts of the day.


Get Our Resource Guide

Includes questions and activities to guide your use of the videos, book suggestions, and activity cards featured for each of the Core Skills