
Help toddlers notice and explore the size, weight, and length of objects through everyday activities

boy compares different size leaves

At A Glance

Measurement is the number you come up with when determining the length, height, or weight of an object. Toddlers are developing their measurement skills when they show you the size of their block tower or ask for help carrying something heavy. We can support measurement skills by using measurement words and encouraging children to compare objects and make measurements.

What It Looks Like

A quick glance at ways you can help toddlers develop measurement skills
educator measuring toddler

Encourage Measuring

Make measuring relevant, concrete, and visible, like this educator does. Record children’s height many times throughout the year and prompt them to notice how much they’ve grown.

Use Measurement Words

Comment on measurable attributes like volume as this educator does. When the child fills the container to the very top with milk, notice how the educator uses the word “full” to describe its contents.

Highlight Different Sizes

Offer children materials of varying sizes and talk about how they are different. Note how this educator uses the words big, small, and little to describe the boxes.


Inch by Inch

Written and illustrated by Leo Lionni, this book follows an inch worm who measures birds all the way from their tails to their beaks.
Inch by Inch Book Cover
So Big and So Small Book Page


So Big and So Small

Written by John Coy and illustrated by Steph Lew, this story is about noticing how your size may feel different when standing next to something as small as a seashell or as large as a mountain.

Activity Cards for Toddler Classrooms

Part of the STREAMin3 curriculum, these activity cards provide simple and fun ways to promote measurement skills
Activity Card Pretend Play Measurement
Let's Pretend

Pretend Play Measurement

Join children during pretend play and point out different measurable characteristics.

Activity Card - Same or Different
Let's Compare

Same or Different

Using measurement words, ask how two items are the same and how they are different.

Activity Card - Use Both Hands
Let's Weigh In

Use Both Hands

Compare the weights of light and heavy materials using only children’s hands as a scale.

Activity Card - Which is Longer/Taller
Let's Take a Look

Which is Longer/Taller?

Figure out which objects in a collection are longer or taller than the others.


Get Our Resource Guide

Includes questions and activities to guide your use of the videos, book suggestions, and activity cards featured for each of the Core Skills