Developing Sense of Self
Preschoolers are developing their own perceptions of themselves as individuals

At A Glance
Preschoolers often define and describe themselves in terms of their physical attributes, skills, interests, or behaviors that they consider most important about themselves. Additionally, many are beginning to develop an understanding of their culture, beliefs, associations and how they are different or similar to other people. Children’s development of their sense of self is heavily influenced by how adults respond to them. Educators can help children develop a positive sense of self by providing a nurturing environment, acknowledging children’s unique qualities and abilities, and providing a nurturing environment filled with acceptance and respect.
What It Looks Like
A quick glance at how you can help preschoolers develop a positive sense of self
Encourage Children's Independence
Children can do a lot when given the support and encouragement to try – and succeed! – on their own.
Share Preferences
Providing children with opportunities to share their likes and dislikes helps them express who they are.
Embrace Differences
Embracing similarities and differences builds community and identity.

Creating Mirrors and Windows
Through books, young children can reflect on what makes them unique and develop their understanding of others. In her TedX Talk, Grace Lin, award-winning children’s book author and illustrator, shares how books provide children with a window into the larger world, as well as a mirror for self-reflection.
Our bookshelf also features many great books to support young children’s budding empathy and sense of self!
Focusing on Strengths
This blog from Brookings invites us to look beyond trauma. Learn how you can focus on children’s strengths to help them build a more positive view of themselves.
Embracing Families
The National Center on Quality Teaching and Learning shares tips for educators on building relationships with families of dual language learners.
Recognizing Bias and Promoting Equity
This short video from the Center of Excellence for Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation encourages educators to embrace children’s cultures to support their sense of self.
Activity Cards for Preschool Classrooms
Part of the STREAMin3 curriculum, these activity cards provide simple and fun ways you can help children embrace similarities and differences and develop a positive sense of self

Get Our Resource Guide
Includes questions and activities to guide your use of the videos, book suggestions, and activity cards featured for each of the Core Skills