
With your support, preschoolers are developing their ability to understand and work with numbers

number line hopping

At A Glance

Numeracy is the ability to understand and work with numbers. Preschoolers use their numeracy skills when they count how many blueberries they have or recognize a number written in a book. We can support numeracy skills by counting objects, using number words, and by encouraging children to compare amounts.

What It Looks Like

A quick glance at ways you can support preschoolers' early math skills in numeracy

Encourage Thinking Fast

Ask children to quickly identify the number of objects in a small set instead of counting. Flash a card and ask them to ‘think fast’ like this educator does.

Model One-to-One Correspondence

Notice how this educator counts aloud and points to each object as they say the number. This type of modeling helps children see that numbers correspond to specific quantities.

Help Children Compare Quantities

Encourage children to compare quantities to find out which group has more, fewer, or the same amount, like this educator does.


I Know Numbers!

Written and illustrated by Taro Gomi, this book shows how people notice and use numbers throughout their everyday lives. It also explores the different meanings that numbers can hold.
Book cover image for I Know Numbers
One Family Book Cover


One Family

Written by George Shannon and illustrated by Blanca Gomez, this story follows the lives of a busy family and offers many opportunities to count and find out “how many.”

Activity Cards for Preschool Classrooms

Part of the STREAMin3 curriculum, these activity cards provide simple and fun ways to support children's numeracy skills
Activity Card icon for Counting, Fingerplays, and songs
Sing & Count

Counting Fingerplays & Songs

Act out motions and use your fingers to represent numbers while singing songs.

Activity card icon for Hopscotch
Jump & Count


Count, clap, and stomp numbers while playing hopscotch.

Activity Card icon for Music Math
Jam & Count

Music Math

Count the beat of music while using instruments, your body, or other materials.

Compare & Count

Which is More?

Comparing two groups of objects helps children count or estimate which is more.


Get Our Resource Guide

Includes questions and activities to guide your use of the videos, book suggestions, and activity cards featured for each of the Core Skills