Terms of Use

Guidance for use of materials

The materials on the ECE Resource Hub are a combination of resources collected from a variety of sources and some created at the University of Virginia’s Center for Advanced Study of Teaching and Learning (UVA-CASTL). All UVA-CASTL created materials available on the ECE Resource Hub website, unless otherwise stated, may be reproduced or shared in their original form for educational (non-commercial) purposes. This includes using videos and other multimedia materials for training purposes. UVA makes no warranties with respect to UVA-CASTL created materials, and the user is solely responsible for their use.

When distributing or sharing UVA-CASTL made resources, please include authors (if applicable) and the following information: “Created by and made available from the University of Virginia’s Center for Advanced Study of Teaching and Learning (UVA-CASTL) at https://eceresourcehub.org

The use of non-UVA-CASTL material may require permission from the copyright holder of that material.