Take-Home Strategies

Browse strategies families and caregivers can use at home to support children's development of Core Skills
Aerial view of child-sized shoes beside backpack

About These Strategies

This library contains strategies that family members and other caregivers can use to foster children’s Core Skills at home. The Core Skills are the foundation for children’s learning. Each Core Skill includes several individual skills that grow from infancy to preschool. Each activity can be adapted to support every child’s development and fit within their family’s routines, values, culture, and preferences.

This space is a work in progress! Visit often to explore new take-home strategies focused on additional skills, like building relationships, understanding emotions, expanding vocabulary, and actively exploring the world. We’re currently featuring Move Skills, with more Core Skills to come later this spring!


Explore how to help young children develop their gross motor and fine motor skills, as well as foster their self-care and healthy habits.

Support children’s abilities to move around and engage in physical activity

Help children control and strengthen their small muscle movements to perform basic self-help and learning tasks

Promote children’s self-help skills and encourage children to do as much as possible on their own

Introduce and encourage positive thoughts and healthy habits from a young age